Data Analyst for Python Cheat Sheet - Basic Data Types

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Data Analyst for Python Cheat Sheet - Basic Data Types

                            Python Cheat Sheet - Basic Data Types






 The Boolean data type is a truth value, either True or False.

The Boolean operators ordered by priority: 

not x → “if x is False, then x, else y” 

x and y → “if x is False, then x, else y” 

x or y → “if x is False, then y, else x” 

These comparison operators evaluate to True: 

1 < 2 and 0 <= 1 and 3 > 2 and 2 >=2 and 

1 == 1 and 1 != 0 # True 

 ## 1. Boolean Operations 

x, y = True, False 

print(x and not y) # True 

print(not x and y or x) # True

 ## 2. If condition evaluates to False 

if None or 0 or 0.0 or '' or [] or {} or set(): 

           # None, 0, 0.0, empty                  strings, or empty 

           # container types are                   evaluated to False 

           print("Dead code") #                 Not reached

 Integer, Float

 An integer is a positive or negative number without floating point (e.g. 3). A float is a positive or negative number with floating point precision (e.g. 3.14159265359).

 The ‘//’ operator performs integer division. The result is an integer value that is rounded towards the smaller integer number (e.g. 3 // 2 == 1).

 ## 3. Arithmetic Operations

 x, y = 3, 2 

print(x + y) # = 5 

print(x - y) # = 1 

print(x * y) # = 6 

print(x / y) # = 1.5 

print(x // y) # = 1 

print(x % y) # = 1s 

print(-x) # = -3 

print(abs(-x)) # = 3

 print(int(3.9)) # = 3

 print(float(3)) # = 3.0 

print(x ** y) # = 9



 Python Strings are sequences of characters.

 The four main ways to create strings are the following. 

1. Single quotes 


2. Double quotes


 3. Triple quotes (multi-line)


We Can"""

 4. String method 

str(5) == '5' # True 

5. Concatenation 

"Ma" + "hatma" # 'Mahatma' 

These are whitespace characters in strings. 

● Newline   \n 

● Space        \s 

● Tab           \t

 ## 4. Indexing and Slicing 

s = "The youngest pope was 11 years old" 

print(s[0])              # 'T' 

print(s[1:3])          # 'he' 

print(s[-3:-1])        # 'ol' 

print(s[-3:])           # 'old' 

x = s.split()           # creates string                                        array  of words 

print(x[-3] + " " + x[-1] + " " + x[2] + "s") 

                               # '11 old popes' 

## 5. Most Important String Methods

 y = " This is lazy\t\n " 

print(y.strip()) # Remove Whitespace: 'This is lazy' 

print("DrDre".lower()) # Lowercase: 'drdre' 

print("attention".upper()) # Uppercase: 'ATTENTION'

 print("smartphone".startswith("smart")) # True

 print("smartphone".endswith("phone")) # True 

print("another".find("other")) # Match index: 2 

print("cheat".replace("ch", "m")) # 'meat' 

print(','.join(["F", "B", "I"])) # 'F,B,I'

 print(len("Rumpelstiltskin")) # String length: 15 

print("ear" in "earth") # Contains: True


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